North Jersey FC is proud to offer UPSL Academy Teams. Fill out the form below to be concidered for a tryout/trial. 

Part-Time Academy Program: Open to all players who are not actively participating on another UPSL Academy team. Through its sanctioning by the UPSL, the team will be open to players looking for supplemental soccer at a higher level in addition to their normal club soccer. 

Expected Commitment: Players will be expected to attend as many team events as possible, without direct interference of their normal club duties. 

Team Schedule: Training will take place 1x per week typically, with Fridays being the preferred training day. This may be altered to aid players availability.

Team Roster: The UPSL Academy teams will run with a 24 player roster. This will allow for competition among players to make the matchday roster, as well as allow for potential conflicts with normal club games.

3 Player Requirements: 

Program Tuition is TBD.

Reach out to Besmir Zuta with any questions. | Besmir.Zuta@NorthJerseyFC.Org